“If some men are doctors and some doctors are tall, does it follow that some men are tall?”
Yes! This may seem obvious to you because of the equal sign: If you put down “P=Q” on paper, it means that both statements have to be true for them to make sense in relation to one another. But many people might disagree with us by saying that not everyone who doctor can be considered tall – which would mean they’re saying we don’t always need these two things to go hand-in-hand because, in reality, they’re not always true.

For example, if you were to say “All women have babies” and someone else said back, “No – that’s not true,” then it would be a case where the two statements don’t match up with one another because even though all women can bear children (because of their biology), there are also men who do so too – which means that this equation doesn’t work for everyone in every situation. They’d argue that some tall people aren’t doctors and some doctors aren’t tall – but we’ll take them on point by saying that just because these things happen sometimes, it doesn’t mean they’re happening 100% of the time! It might only happen at 50% chance or less: meaning we have to use the word “sometimes.”
The Takeaway:
The phrase has more than one meaning, and we can’t just apply it to everyone without thinking about whether or not they’re a doctor. It’s crucial for us to understand that sometimes things aren’t always true – even when using this math equation! For instance, if you were to say “All women are tall” and someone else said back, “No – that’s not true,” then it would be a case where the two statements don’t match up with one another because some men who are tall as well (because of their biology) which means this statement doesn’t work for every woman in all situations. They’d argue that some doctors aren’t always tall, but let them have a common ground to calculate it. This article is about the concept of syllogistic reasoning. Syllogisms are a type of logical argument, where we have two premises and then the conclusion that follows from them. The two premises in this example are “if some men are doctors” and “some doctors are tall.” From these two statements, we can logically conclude that “some men are tall.”
The Logic Behind If Some Men Are Doctors And Some Doctors Are Tall, Does It Follow That Some Men Are Tall?
If some men are doctors and some doctors are tall, it follows that if all these premises were true then the conclusion would also be true. This is because we use this type of reasoning in everyday life to make decisions based on what we know. For example, you could say “if I have an apple and orange, does it follow that I have a fruit.” If the two statements (that I had an apple and an orange) are both true then yes – It logically follows that there is a fruit present.
In this article though, we’re primarily looking at syllogistic arguments as used in logic puzzles or for teaching purposes rather than how they work in real life. The idea behind using them like this is so people can match their logic with data to find the answer.
The conclusion in this type of syllogism is that some men are tall because if all premises are true, it follows logically and truthfully that some men must be tall as well. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re doctors though! It just means there’s a possibility, which may or may not be what you wanted to show with your argument. If you want to prove “some” then you’ll have to change the first premise from “If Somen Men Are Doctors,” for example, so it says something like “…and Some (not All) Man Are Tall.” Now by changing one little word we’ve narrowed down our claim about who can stand at least six feet; now only those few people will match it up.
The Equation
The equation is A = B
If P is true then Q must be true.
R follows logically from A and B.
Therefore, if Somen Men are doctors then Some (not all) men are tall.”
We know this because of the equal sign: If you put down “P=Q” on paper, it means that both statements have to be true for them to make sense in relation to one another. But some people may say that not all guys who doctor can be considered tall – which would mean they’re saying we don’t always need these two things to go hand-in-hand for someone to match up with our claim statement about being a doctor or being six feet tall.
That’s right! In order for this, we can say that Some Men Are Tall, but not all men will be.
This is why this equation can only take a few people to match up with it like those six feet tall folks and that’s about it.”