No, crying does not make your eyelashes longer. Eyelash growth is primarily determined by genetics and the natural growth cycle. Tears have no proven effect on eyelash length.
Does Crying Make Your Eyelashes Longer?
One may believe that shedding tears can make eyelashes longer due to various myths and traditional beliefs. However, there is currently no scientific basis for such a theory. While it may seem like an interesting notion, crying isn’t known to promote the growth or elongation of eyelashes. This article breaks down the reasons behind this.
1. No Direct Evidence to Support the Theory
While it is common knowledge that body hydration can enhance overall health, including hair growth, the moisture from tears is fairly different in this context. Tears do moisten our eyes, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that they can make the eyelashes longer.
2. Eyelash Growth Cycle
The human body is regulated by various intricate systems and processes. Eyelashes go through numerous phases of the growth cycle: Anagen (growth stage), Telogen (resting stage), and Catagen (transition stage). Shedding tears excessively wouldn’t affect or shorten these stages, which dictate eyelash length.
Eyelash Growth Cycles | Average Duration |
Anagen | 30 – 45 days |
Catagen | 14 – 21 days |
Telogen | 100 days |
3. Hormones Play a Role, But Not Through Tears
Hormones like prostaglandin, found in many eyelash growth serums, help stimulate hair follicles to promote growth. But shedding tears is not known to stimulate the body’s production of these hormones, nor supply them directly to the eyelash follicles.
4. Nutrition and Overall Health is Key
General health and nutrition factors have a more substantial effect on eyelash growth. A balanced diet enriched with vitamins and proteins will strengthen hair follicles and enhance the growth of eyelashes.
5. Be Cautious of Over-Crying
Excessive crying can cause various health problems such as dehydration, fatigue, and headaches and can disrupt eyelid hygiene. This could indirectly lead to eyelash damage, so overall, crying might not be the most effective way to achieve longer lashes.
6. Opt for Proven Eyelash Growth Techniques
There are definitely healthier alternatives to grow your eyelashes such as a balanced diet, lash conditioners, eyelash growth serums, biotin supplements, and avoiding harsh makeup products.
In summation, crying does not stimulate eyelash growth nor make eyelashes longer. New myths might emerge, but it is crucial to analyze them based on scientific evidence and proven facts.
What Helps Your Eyelashes Grow?

Eyelashes grow naturally and need no external push. Still, out there, you’ll find products that can improve their length. They include:
1. Coconut oil. If you need firmer and moister eyelashes, go coconut here. That bottle will help your eyelashes maintain their protein levels.
2. Vitamin E oil. Products containing this component have hair-growing capabilities. While there’s no science behind that claim, thousands of reviewers on Amazon praise this one product for its effect on eyelashes.
3. Enhancing serums. The market is full of these, but don’t worry because we’ve got this special pick for you. Indeed, it boosts the length of your lashes.
4. Olive oil. With the right oil-based product, your lashes will be moister, softer, firmer, and have longer specks of hair. Of the many in the market, this is the one best suited for you.
Does Combing Your Eyelashes Grow Them Longer?
Although combing won’t have any magical effect, it indeed accentuates your lashes. Many experts and pro makeup artists speak volumes about brushing, so go for it.
As you comb those beauties, don’t forget to use the right brush. There’s this one by Docolor and this other one by DUcare.
Is Crying Healthy For Your Eyes?
Research says that crying brings relief to the mind and body, including your eyes.
1. The outer layer of the eye, for example, needs tears to stay moistened.
2. Also, tears flush away irritants and bacteria to maintain better eye health.
Although crying may not often come for you, tears do. That’s because your eyes are always wet, so your tear ducts are ever active.
Is Crying Good For Your Skin?
If you’ve got skin issues like psoriasis and acne, you’d better start crying (*laughs*). Interestingly enough, shedding tears can help reverse any skin condition.
It all starts with a stressor, whether internal or external. Once your system picks up negative energy, your skin becomes aggravated. It then starts exploding in ways you’d never think, like atopic dermatitis.
Here’s where the tears come in.
Crying emotional tears release stress hormones that bring the body back to its baseline. In turn, that reverses the effects on your skin, and soon after, you’ll be looking lusher, fresher, and more vibrant.
Can Vaseline Grow Your Eyelashes?
Vaseline is a petroleum jelly brand made for the skin. So, it can’t grow your lashes longer. But, it can make them look fuller and thicker. That’s because it’ll sit between the hairs and hold them together.
How Can I Make My Eyelashes Naturally Longer In 7 Days?
Here are natural remedies for growing your eyelashes in under a week:
1. Petroleum jelly (like Vaseline)
2. Lemon peels dunked in olive
3. Egg yolk
4. Shea butter (has vitamins E and A)
5. Aloe vera
6. Green tea
7. Castor and lavender oil
You’ll only need to apply a little of any remedy you choose.
Although there’s little science to back those natural options, they’re safer to try than other chemical-based products.
Why Do Eyelashes Stop Growing?
When lashes fall out, thin, or shorten, it could be any of these reasons:
1. Aging and menopause for women
2. Medical conditions like infected lash lines
3. Stress
4. Chemo drugs
5. Reactions to cosmetic products like mascara
6. Rough treatment as in scrubbing your lashes vigorously
Is It OK To Cry For No Reason?
Still, hardly is there a time you cry for no reason. If you seem to find none, go through these factors and place yourself somewhere:
1. Menstruation pointed towards hormonal changes
2. Stress and burnout, especially if prolonged
3. Anxiety and depression
4. Grief
If you haven’t checked any box, consider talking to someone if your crying is unreasonable and uncontrollable.
Why is It Healthy To Cry?

Crying is common and ordinary, but what makes it healthy? Because crying is connected to how we feel, it has two deep-running emotional benefits. Here they are:
1. It Calms You Down And Dulls Your Pain
Many people cry as a way of soothing themselves. According to the PMC, crying wakes up the nervous system, which puts your body to rest. However, the effects will only come after a while.
If you cry for long, your body releases special hormones called endorphins. These chemicals induce a feel-good feeling, which sets in after your tears dry up.
2. It Helps In Times Of Grief To Restore Emotional Balance
Although many people see grieving as a one-time thing, it is a process. It moves from sorrow to guilt, then anger to numbness. Throughout each episode, crying plays a massive role in offloading the weight inside. It keeps you warm and signals your acceptance that loss is part of life.
It is natural to cry in happiness, as it is when you’re sad. If your body detects that you’re experiencing emotional extremes, it may release tears to bring you back to the baseline, the normal you.
Although crying doesn’t make your eyelashes longer, it makes your system better. So, as you get products to lengthen those specks of hair, embrace tears as they come. Crying is an inexpensive form of therapy that’ll make your lashes look even brighter.